Thursday 10 March 2016

Traffic Cop Makes Violator Wait For 30th February!




Challan slip. 

In its renewed drive to make the commuters adhere to rules more strictly, Jammu Kashmir Traffic police recently ended up making a butt of a joke of itself.

In a recent incident, police challaned Shamoon Ishtiyaq Mir, a resident of Habba Kadal for the want of crash helmet and asked him to appear in court on 30th of February – a date that is never likely to arrive.

“Police intercepted me noticing the absence of helmet near Fateh Kadal,” Mir told Kashmir Life. “I had left home in a hurry which is why I forgot to take it along. I am being told to appear in court on 30th of February. The month has gone past although I am still waiting for the date,” he said sardonically.

Traffic police intensified the drive against violators last year. The renewed intensification has come at a time when road accidents showed an uptick. An estimated 2400 persons have died due to road accidents in J&K state since 2013.

from Kashmir Life

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