Wednesday 9 March 2016

Geelani terms UK FS’ Statement as ‘Irrational, Unreasonable’



Terming the statement “Resolution of Kashmir shouldn’t be pre-condition for the Indo-Pak dialogues” of British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond as “irrational and unreasonable”, All Parties Hurriyat Conference (g) Syed Ali Geelani Wedbesday said that Kashmir dispute is the basic and real issue between the two countries and ignoring of this issue “had neither helped in the past and nor can we expect anything concrete in future”.

“The British government played a key role in the creation of Kashmir dispute and the fresh statement of its Foreign Secretary also reflects that they want to keep this issue burning so that India and Pakistan will always remain entangled with each other,” he said.

While terming the statement of British Foreign Secretary as “sorrowful”, Hurriyat patriarch in his Wednesday’s statement to KNS said, “due to this dispute not only 15 million Kashmiri people are suffering and the loss of precious human lives is continue in this region but the India and Pakistan are at war with each other for last 7 decades and both the nations are suffering from political uncertainty and instability.”

“Three large scale wars had occurred in the past and due to the lingering of Kashmir dispute, the two neighbours are spending major part of their budgets for the purchase of arms and weaponries. The majority of populations in both India and Pakistan are living below poverty lines and lakhs of people are dying of starvation,” he added.

Geelani said that the basic reason for all this unpleasant situation is the presence of Kashmir dispute and the non-settlement of this dispute is harming the entire South Asian Region. “So in this perspective, the suggestion of the British Foreign Secretary that ‘Settling the Kashmir issue should not be the pre-condition for Indo-Pak talks’ is extremely irrational and unreasonable and it reflects that this country is still suffering from the imperialistic illness.”

“They don’t want lasting and permanent solution of the disputes between the developing countries which can bring them to the new era of development and prosperity,” he said, “India and Pakistan should understand the fact that the big powers of the world don’t want the other countries to become powerful and prosperous nations so they want them to remain engaged in disputes and conflicts.”

Geelani appealed the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistan Prime Minister Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif to show political maturity and foresight and pledge for the permanent and lasting resolution of the long pending Kashmir dispute. “It will write a new chapter in the history of the South Asian Region which will be credited to the both prime ministers.”

“Kashmir dispute is the main hurdle in the way of peace, development and prosperity of the people living in both India and Pakistan and side-lining of this issue from the talks’ process will not fetch anything good. The cold war like situations will continue between India and Pakistan and they will remain permanent customers of the weapons manufactured in the factories of Britain and America,” he further said.

from Kashmir Life

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