Thursday, 25 February 2016

SAC gives Nod to Creation of Office of Comm for Persons with Disabilities



The State Administrative Council (SAC) which met in Jammu on Thursday under the chairmanship of Governor, N N Vohra approved the proposal for creation of the office of Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities along with supporting staff.

Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities will be an independent institution, having quasi-judicial powers. He will co-ordinate with the  various Departments of the Government,  for leveraging the programmes and schemes for the benefit of persons with disabilities; monitor the utilization of funds disbursed by the Government; take steps to safeguard the rights and facilities made available to persons with disabilities; submit reports to the Government on implementation of the Act at such intervals as the Government may prescribe and perform a number of such other functions to secure the implementation of the J&K Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1998.

The creation of a separate office of Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities was a long standing and enduring demand of the specially abled persons, who have a sizeable presence in the State, numbering nearly 3.5 lakh. A separate institution will help in providing a focused attention to the problems faced by these persons and expedite their resolution. The decision will bring purpose and intensity in the programmes and policies of the Government.

from Kashmir Life

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