Governor N N Vohra Monday directed Chief Secretary B R Sharma to set up a group of senior officers to draw up a rational policy regarding the future allotment/ utilization of all lands available with JKI and various State PSUs, including SIDCO, SICOP etc, who also provide land to entrepreneurs on payment of premium.
The Governor directed that the Group should draw up a bench mark statement of all available lands (as on 1-2-2016); locations; areas; availability of water, electricity etc. and evolve a well considered policy regarding the best purposes for which such lands can be utilized; the average unit sizes of plots to be allotted/ sold for varying uses; lay out conditions; FAR/FSI; building height ceilings (varying from location to location); cost per sq.yd (varying from area to area); façade design/construction of the buildings/complexes to come up on the allotted plots etc. Governor has stressed the need for eliminating ad-hocism and arbitrariness which is present in the existing case by case approach. Also, he has pointed to the need for ensuring good architectural designs and aesthetics of new buildings.
from Kashmir Life http://ift.tt/1PLXNhX
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