SRINAGAR: Commenting on the current situation in the valley and along the line of control, Peoples Conference Senior Vice President and former Minister Abdul Gani Vakil on Tuesday in a statement asserted that war and violence is not the solution and only dialogue can establish peace in Kashmir and the entire region.
“War and violence not only causes economic crisis but also leads to deaths of innocents which isn’t in favour of anyone. Both countries must show restraint and deescalate the prevailing atmosphere of heightened tensions and solve their issues through negotiations,” the spokesman quoted Vakil as saying.
“Peoples Conference believes that only meaningful dialogue between the two countries can bring peace and stability to the entire region. He appealed to premiers of both countries to put an end to the hostilities on the LoC as it invariably leads to loss of life and property in the areas adjacent to the LoC”, he added.
Urging the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan to resolve their issues diplomatically, Vakil said that there is no military solution to solve the disputes between the countries: the only solution is a meaningful and result-oriented dialogue process.
“India and Pakistan have gone to war with each other four times, however, nothing has been achieved out of it. Instead of talking about using military options they should focus on resolving the outstanding disputes diplomatically, engaging all stakeholders in a continuous dialogue. If North Korea and South Korea can start a dialogue process, why not India and Pakistan?”, Vakil added.
from Kashmir Life
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