Monday, 2 February 2015

After reshuffle at higher level, a major overhaul in middle-rung bureaucracy on cards

KL Report


After massive reshuffle at the higher level in state administration last week, Governor N N Vohara is likely to go for a major overhaul in the middle rung administration.

Sources told KNS that Vohra has asked for a list of officials along with their tenure from the respective Head of Departments. “To make the state administration transparent and accountable, the government is likely to go for a major reshuffle. Authorities have compiled a list of honest and upright officers who would be given important postings,” they said.

“Governor wants changes in the functioning of the state’s overall administration and in this regard he has forwarded a communication to the higher officials to prepare a list of officials along with their tenure,” sources said and added the government on the directions of Governor has started work in this regard and the General Administration Department is compiling the list which will be forwarded to the Vohra.

Moreover, sources said that the Raj Bhawan is also compiling a list of honest and upright officers who would be given important postings. “Governor wants to place the right men at right places. The idea behind the reshuffle is to make the middle-rung administration more efficient and responsive to the people so that concrete steps would be taken towards the development,” they said.

from Kashmir Life


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