Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Read The Decisions By Governor’s SAC


Governor, Satya Pal Malik chaired the meeting of the State Administrative Council (SAC) at Raj Bhavan Srinagar on Wednesday.

Governor chairs SAC meeting

The SAC deliberated upon the various proposals submitted by Administrative departments for its consideration and approval.

SAC approves creation of a new Department of Registration with necessary staff for registration of various deeds/documents

The State Administrative Council (SAC) accorded sanction to the creation/establishment of a new Department of Registration under the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act), now applicable to Jammu and Kashmir with effect from 31.10.2019 in terms of the Jammu and Kashmir Re-organization Act, 2019.  The Department of Registration shall function under the overall administrative control of the Revenue Department.

In order to make the Department of Registration functional and provide hassle free and speedy service to the citizens for registration of documents pertaining to immovable property like sale, gift, mortgage, lease, bequest etc, SAC approved creation of 464 new posts under various categories. The posts include one post of Senior Law Officer, three posts of Headquarter Assistants, one post of Programme Manager, two posts of Legal Assistant, three posts of Jr. Scale Stenographer, one post of driver and eight posts of orderlies for the Apex monitoring (UT level) office set up, 22 posts each of Registrars, Data Entry Operators, reader, Junior Assistants (Nazir) and orderlies for the District  (Registrar) Level office set up and 67 posts each of Registrars, Data Entry Operators, reader, Junior Assistants (Nazir) and orderlies for the Sub-Divisional (Sub-Registrar) Level Office set up.

SAC approved appointment of Additional Deputy Commissioners and Sub-Divisional Magistrates/Assistant Commissioners Revenue to exercise the powers of Registrars and Sub-Registrars, respectively, within such jurisdiction to be notified by the Revenue Department for purposes of the Registration Act, 1908.

Posts created for efficient functioning of new District Jail, Pochal, Kishtwar

The State Administrative Council (SAC) accorded sanction to the creation of 16 posts for new District Jail, Pochal, Kishtwar.

The posts include one post of Assistant Superintendent, one post of Head Warder, seven posts of SGW/Warder and one post each of Warder/DRV, Computer Assistant, Sr. Assistant, Jr. Assistant, Electrician, Barber and Safaiwala.

Presently, the Jail is being run on internal arrangement basis. The creation of posts will improve the functioning and management of the Jail.

SAC approves creation of 102 posts of various categories for trauma centers at Gund (Ganderbal), Ramban and Udhampur

The State Administrative Council (SAC) accorded sanction to the creation of 102 posts (34 posts per centre) for three Trauma Centres at Gund (Ganderbal), Ramban and Udhampur.

The posts include one post each of Consultant Surgeon, Consultant Physician, Consultant Gynecologist, Consultant Pediatrics, Consultant Anesthesia, Consultant Ophthalmology, Consultant Orthopedics and Consultant Radiology, three posts of Medical Officer, two posts of Lab Technician, seven posts of Jr. Nurse, two posts of X-Ray Assistant, two posts of Lab Assistant, two posts of Theatre  Assistant, two posts of Theatre Boy, two posts of Ward Boy and four posts of Nursing Orderly for each of the three trauma centres.

It is noteworthy to mention that the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme —`Capacity Building for Trauma Care Facilities in Government Hospitals on National Highways’ sanctioned ten Trauma Centres in the J&K during the 11th Five Year Plan period. All ten Trauma Centres are functional and delivering the trauma care services. However, additional posts to tackle the patient load in trauma centres were created in respect of seven centres only. The remaining three centres at Gund (Ganderbal), Ramban and Udhampur were functioning on internal arrangement basis. In the absence of sanctioned staff, the trauma centers could not function to the desired extent.

With the creation of additional 102 posts (34 posts per centre) for Trauma Centres at Gund (Ganderbal), Ramban and Udhampur, which includes 8 Specialists and 3 Medical Officers per centre, these centers will be in position to render efficient and speedy services, thereby, saving precious lives.

from Kashmir Life

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