Wednesday, 9 October 2019

College exams to commence from October last week

SRINAGAR: In order to save the academic year of students, Advisor to Governor, Khursheed Ahmad Ganai today impressed upon the authorities to ensure the conduct of all ensuing University examinations before the onset of winters.

The directions came during a review meeting held today with the Vice Chancellor of the University of Kashmir, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir and the Secretary Higher Education Department.

During the meeting, it was noted with satisfaction that the students are regularly visiting the Colleges for collecting study material and handouts about their subject curriculum.

The Advisor instructed to impress upon all College Principals to ensure providing of study material for the uncovered portion of syllabus to the students by 15th October 2019 so as to enable them prepare for the forth coming examinations.

The University authorities assured that the pending papers of the semester-IV 2017 Batch students as well as Semester 1st (2019 batch students) shall be conducted from the last week of October 2019.  The Advisor also directed that the work on the practicals of the various Science Subjects should be prioritized and completed well before the commencement of theory examinations considering that Laboratory oriented practical work has always been an essential part of all academic transactions.

He further underlined the need of ensuring all facilitation to the students to enable them towards completing their courses within the stipulated academic calendars.

On the occasion, the Divisional Commissioner assured the University and College authorities that students shall be facilitated in all ways including transport and utilization of Internet facility at IT kiosks at offices of concerned deputy commissioners to enable them for a time bound completion of their degrees.

It was also informed that all the PG exams of the Cluster University Srinagar shall be conducted in the first week of November while as study material to all the under graduate students of the University shall be issued through the Principals of the respective constituent colleges from 15th of October 2019.

from Kashmir Life

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