Wednesday, 3 January 2018

IUST organizes Human Rights in Sirah of Prophet Mohammad (SAW)


The department of Islamic studies, Islamic University of Science and Technology on Tuesday organized a one-day national symposium entitled ‘Human Rights in Light of the Sirah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The spokesman said Dr Showkat Hussain Dar initiated the program with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Head Department of Islamic Studies, Dr Afroz Ahmad Bisati welcomed the guests and participants and gave a context to Human Rights discourse in the Western and Islamic world.

After the welcome session, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Mushtaq Ahmad Siddiqui, gave his presidential address and impressed upon the need to see Islam is not only a religion of past but as a religion for future too. He highlighted the need to impress on the role of Islamic studies and how it can play an important role in shaping the discourse in the modern world. He contextualized the role of the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and how it can shape the contemporary discourse on human rights.

After the presidential address, Prof. Hamidullah Marazi (Head, Religious Studies, Central University of Kashmir) spoke on the theme ‘Origin of Human Rights in Islamic Tradition’ and deliberated on the need to look at Human rights in comparative perspective. He also talked about the Prophetic character and how Muhammad (SAW) was involved in different fonts, even non-Islamic institutions like hilfulfuzulto uphold the rights and dignity of human race beyond the distinction of religion, race, caste and colour. Prof. Marazi contextualized the practical implications of theoretical construct of Human Rights vis-à-vis the practical happenings in the modern world.


from Kashmir Life

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