Thursday 27 December 2018

Youth dies of suffocation by gas-heater, 3 critical


A youth died of breathing problem and three others are critical currently admitted at hospital, after they had slept with gas heater on in their room during the night hours in Buran area of Pattan in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district on Thursday night.

Reports said that four persons including a lady had let on the gas heater in a room during the night hours, which resulted in asphyxiation to four of them, however, after relatives in the morning found them in an unconscious state they were shifted to hospital where doctors declared of them as dead and three others are said to be critical.

During winters people in Kashmir usually use gas or electric heaters to keep themselves warm, but in some of the cases many people have died and led to nausea. According to the medical advisers, the excessive use of heaters often leads to nausea or even death. Children, pregnant women and their unborn babies, older people, and people with chronic illnesses such as heart and lung disease are at increased risk.

from Kashmir Life

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