Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls in Jammu and Kashmir, the state police Chief Dilbag Singh assured a peaceful and secure atmosphere during the elections in Jammu and Kashmir. The election will commence from April 11, in Baramulla district of north Kashmir.
After reviewing the arrangements for the upcoming polls in twin districts of north Kashmir Baramulla and Kupwara, Singh assured safe and secure elections in both the districts. He also had a brief interaction with police personnel and emphasised upon them to get fully prepared for the peaceful conduct of the forthcoming elections in the state.
Earlier, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), J&K Shailendra Kumar received a detailed briefing on the election preparedness and status of facilities at the polling stations for smooth conduct of General Elections in the State. The CEO interacted with the Divisional Commissioners of Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh and other senior officers and reviewed the arrangements put in place at each Polling Station, especially where the polling is scheduled for the first and second phase.
The Divisional Commissioners gave a detailed account of arrangements and informed that all necessary facilities like drinking water, electricity, waiting sheds, ramps, wheelchairs, toilets, road connectivity and communication have been put in place at most of the Polling Stations and assured to cover the remaining ones well in time. They told that facilities are being monitored by the senior officers and all gaps will be plugged in time.
The CEO called upon the Divisional Commissioners to monitor the election-related matters personally and remain in constant touch with the District Election Officers (DEOs) to address the issues if any on priority to ensure free, fair and transparent elections in the State. He stressed on synergized efforts to achieve tangible results.
from Kashmir Life
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