SRINAGAR: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday filed a charge sheet against seven people, including its former officer Arvind Digvijay Negi and Kashmiri human rights activist Khurram Parvez, in a funding case. The charge sheet was filed in a special NIA court in New Delhi against former Superintendent of Police Negi, Parvez, Muneer Ahmad Kataria and Arshid Ahmad Tonch of north Kashmir, Zaffar Abbas of Bihar, and Rambhawan Prasad and Chandan Mahato of West Bengal under relevant laws, a spokesperson of the agency said.
Here is the complete statement of the NIA spokesman, ad verbatim:
NIA Files Charge Sheet Against Seven Accused Persons in LeT Conspiracy Case (RC-30/2021/NIA/DLI)
— NIA India (@NIA_India) May 13, 2022
“Today (13.05.2022), NIA filed Charge-Sheet before the NIA Special Court, New Delhi in RC-30/2021/ NIA/DLI against seven accused persons.
The accused persons include Khuram Parvez S/o Sheikh Parvez Ahmad r/o Srinagar, J&K, u/s 120B & 121A of IPC, section 8 of PC Act & sections 13, 18, 18B, 38 & 39 of UA (P) Act, 1967 , Muneer Ahmad Kataria S/o Noor Uddin Kataria, r/o Baramulla, J&K, u/s 120B & 201 of IPC, 1860, sec. 8 of PC Act, sec. 18, 18B, 38 & 39 of UA (P) Act, 1967 and sec. 3 of OS Act, 1923, Arshid Ahmad Tonch S/o Qamar Din Tonch, r/o Kupwara, J&K, u/s 120B & 201 of IPC, 1860 and sec. 18, 38 & 39 of UA (P) Act, 1967, Zafar Abbas S/o Sheikh Hasmullah, r/o Gopalganj, Bihar, u/s 120B, 109, 201 & 471 of IPC, 1860 and sec. 18, 38 & 39 of UA (P) Act, 1967, Rambhawan Prasad S/o Mukhlal Prasad, r/o Kolkata, West Bengal, u/s 120B read with 465 & 471 of IPC, 1860, Chandan Mahato S/o Mahendra Mahato, r/o Kolkata West Bengal, u/s 120B read with 465 & 471 of IPC, 1860, Arvind Digvijay Negi S/o Shri B C Negi, r/o Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, u/s 120B & 201 of IPC, sec. 5 of OS Act, 1923 and sec. 7(a) & 7(b) of PC Act.
The case pertains to conspiracy hatched by Pakistan based proscribed terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) to fund and recruit operatives/ Over-Ground Workers (OGWS) for providing support in planning and execution of terrorist activities in various parts of India including Jammu & Kashmir. The case was registered suo moto by NIA on 06.11.2021.
Investigation revealed that LeT operatives based in Pakistan had hatched a conspiracy with Khuram Parvez, Muneer Ahmad Kataria, Arshid Ahmad Tonch and Zafar Abbas to run a network of OGWS of LeT for furthering the activities of LeT and to commit terrorist acts in India. These accused persons collected information regarding vital installations, deployment and movement of security forces, procured official secret documents and passed on the same to their LeT handlers through encrypted communication channel for monetary consideration.
Investigation also revealed that Arvind Digvijay Negi being a public servant, abused his official position and unauthorisedly passed on official secret documents to co-accused for monetary consideration and also demanded illegal gratification through co accused for compromising investigation. Rambhawan Prasad and Chandan Mahato had forged identity documents and used the same for procuring SIM cards and opening bank accounts and passed them on to the co-accused persons for monetary benefits.
Further investigation in the case continues.”
from Kashmir Life
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