The TOEFL iBT Speaking test, the most preferred choice by foreign universities, has just got better designed for test takers’ to measure their ability to speak English effectively in educational environments, both in and outside the classroom. All it takes is 20 minutes to complete the speaking section. In recent years, the number of people taking the TOEFL test worldwide has increased manifold. To practice your speaking skills learners can avail the 40% off on TOEFL value packs at TOEFL, thus forming the foundation of refining your English language skills. If you have a TOEFL test soon then here is your chance to understand the format of the test to ensure the score of your dreams in the speaking section.
Highlighting the difference between TOEFL speaking 3.0 & 4.0
● The scale for each section is 0-30 and 0-120 for the total score, where test takers in the Speaking section are expected to sit facing a computer with headphones on, which are attached to a microphone.
● Students are asked to record your answer in spoken form to 6 different kinds of task types which are given to you.
● The time allotted to speak is 45 seconds, with the longest being 60 seconds in some cases.
● The assessment criteria in the speaking section include clarity of delivery, effectiveness of the language use and coherence of topic development.
Although there are no passing or failing scores set by the TOEFL test takers, Students who are attempting the TOEFL test receive four sectional scores for reading, listening, speaking
and writing with the sectional scores given on a scale of 0 to 30. As highlighted earlier, TOEFL speaking consists of two independent tasks and 4 integrated tasks where delivery and language usage play a major role in TOEFL speaking score.
Speakers who score 3.0
● Do not elaborate on the details. ● Just give basic idea ● Language is imprecise ● Generic Unimpressive
Speakers scoring 4.0
● Give specific and precise details ● Illustrating the reasons in speaking responses ● High scoring speakers use appropriate, and impressive language
Scoring for the TOEFL involves both electronic as well as human assessment. Although the reading and listening sections are graded by computer involving a binary scheme of multiple-choice answers, whereas, for the speaking and writing responses ETS trained graders evaluate according to a rubric developed by ETS. To prepare for success you need to access the prep resources which can help you do your best and by using the TOEFL coupons you can bundle some of the most popular study material online. Give yourself the advantage with the TOEFL test, by understanding the difference between a score of 3.0 & 4.0 which will help you to prepare well and improve your score.
Evaluating the Independent Speaking Task
● Speaking section Score 3.0
● General Description – The response at this level may address the task appropriately with some fluidity of expression, but exhibiting some noticeable lapses in the expression of ideas may bring down the score.
● Delivery- Clarity in speech is another important criteria for a good score. While speaking some minor pronunciation, intonation or pacing discrepancies are noticeable which may require listener effort at times.
● Language usage- Although demonstrating a fairly coherent expression of ideas & effective usage of vocabulary and grammar at times will fetch you a decent score but
some faulty errors in grammar might affect the overall fluency, however it may not be damaging or seriously interfere with the communication of the message.
● Topic Development- Lack in clarity, elaboration and specificity and between the relationships in ideas may be a hindrance in getting a good score, despite the fact that the response is coherent and sustained. ● Scaling a Score 4.0
● General Description – The answer is highly intelligible where even minor lapses may be ignored as the response is exhibiting a coherent, sustained discourse fulfilling all the demands of the task.
● Delivery- Due to a well paced flow, clarity in speech, even the minor difficulties in pronunciation or intonation patterns do not affect overall intelligibility.
● Language usage- With a good command over grammar usage and vocabulary, minor systematic errors although noticeable, but do not obscure meaning.
● Topic Development- Fulfilling all the requirements of a well-developed, coherent and clarity on the relationships between ideas the response is sustained and sustained.
Integrated Speaking Rubrics
● On a Score of 3.0
● General Description – Except for a few noticeable lapses in expressing the ideas, aspirants may address the response appropriately while scoring a 3.0
● Delivery – To get a score of 3.0, the evaluators are looking for overall intelligibility which is good, with clear speech but some minor difficulties while pronouncing some words may require some listener effort at times.
● Language usage -The response demonstrates a fairly coherent expression of relevant ideas. However, some imprecise or erroneous use of vocabulary or grammatical structures might draw the attention of the graders but thankfully such limitations do not seriously interfere with the communication of the message.
● Topic Development- The response by the test taker conveys all the relevant requisite required for the task, but a lack in inaccuracy, lack of specificity with respect to content, or choppiness in the progression of ideas may affect your score.
● Response Tips to Score 4.0
● General Description – A satisfactory highly intelligible response accomplishing the task reveals a sustained, coherent discourse with at most minor lapses in completeness.
● Delivery – A clear, fluid and sustained speech will surely take you one step ahead towards achieving your goal of 4.0.
● Language usage – A good control over your basic and complex grammatical structure while making an effective word choice is a great way to boost your TOEFL score.
● Topic Development – A scorer who attains the highest score presents a clear progression of ideas required by the task including all the appropriate details that are a part of the assessment.
Everyone aims to excel in life and for Universities abroad the English-language proficiency scores are a key element in your admissions process and if you are one among them to take the first step towards studying overseas then by taking the TOEFL iBT optimize your scores if you understand a few important points about the test’s administration requirements to help achieve success.
from Kashmir Life
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